
Recent Posts

  • With Whom We Have To Do

    I would like to make it very clear today that God is God.  He is the Creator and we are the creature.  As such, we have an obligation to God.  He CAN tell us what to do.  Further, our text reminds us of our accountability before Him.

  • Jesus Became a Man

    Today, I would like to brag about Jesus.  It is my objective to consider the humanity of Jesus.  I will address His divinity but then emphasize His humanity.  I plan to give you some reasons why He became a man.  At which point, I will confirm that the man Jesus Who was killed, rose again, and is alive.

  • Let Us Speak

    One of the responsibilities of Christians as found in the Scripture is that of being a witness.  My objective is to look into our text, note the historical event recorded there, and then glean a few positive practical points.  By God's grace, may we also be filled with the Spirit and boldly speak His Word.

  • One Besetting Sin

    Our text exhorts those of us who are Christians to strive for holiness.  Doing so will help us to be less encumbered for the spiritual race that is set in front of us.  I wish to focus on one component in our text: personal godliness.  You won't ever be perfect, but I am going to ask you to take a step in the right direction.

  • Are You Wise or Are You Foolish?

    Our text is just one of many passages of Scripture which reveals the responsibility of man.  Man builds; that is what he does.  I ask, what type of house have you built?  Is it on the right foundation?  What sort of houses do you continue to build?  I wonder, what kind of builder are you?

  • The Pre-Eminence of Jesus

    Some churches entertain and seek to make people feel good.  Jesus and the truth are not the central themes.  However, Jesus should be in the spotlight.  He is to have the priority in every heart and life, in every church, and in every message.  We must preach Christ and Him crucified.

  • Find the Book and Read It

    Our text tells about Josiah's discovery of the Word of God.  I would like to speak about the Bible.  May I say, the Word of God is of great value.  It is precious and it is absolutely necessary that we love it and respond to its truths.

  • Independence

    Yesterday was Independence Day.  I would like to consider the idea of independence while gleaning some lessons from the text.  Perhaps, we will be able to learn some things about society, about life and living, and about spiritual matters.

  • Important Lessons

    I thought it necessary to address the subject of death.  My objective is not to discourage anyone.  Rather, it is to remind us of our coming demise, and to use that knowledge to provoke in us a zest for life, and more importantly, to exhort you to be prepared for your departure.