Category: Sermon

  • The Right Foundation

    Good foundations are important.  If you have the wrong spiritual foundation, your spiritual house will be faulty and will not stand in the judgment.  It is then, my objective, to consider the right foundation.

  • Spiritual Pruning

    It is my objective to address God's purpose for His people and our responsibility to be active in living a life which is consistent with our profession.  Our text speaks of God's involvement; other passages deal with our obligation.

  • Who Will Carry On?

    When a flag-bearer falls in battle, another takes his place.  It is necessary for reinforcements to continue the battle.  There must be a "passing of the baton."  Another generation must be raised up to maintain the fight.  When the fathers are gone, the children must stand in their place.  In our spiritual warfare, who will take our place?

  • Which Road Are You Traveling?

    We realize that many tasks may be accomplished in a variety of ways.  Some people think the same about religion.  That is, God and Heaven are some type of destination and there are many ways to reach them.  Biblically, there is only one road to God and Heaven.  It is my objective to prove this today.

  • The Plight of the Lost

    We need reminders.  We need a burden for the lost.  We would do well to look about, discern the spiritual blight which surrounds us, and be moved to act.  It is my objective to remind you and me of the plight of the lost.

  • Filled With The Spirit

    The Christian should possess the mind of the Lord.  We should talk to the Lord.  Muse upon Him.  It is my objective to encourage you to do so today.  I would like to talk to you about being filled with the Spirit.

  • Spiritual Cleansing

    It is my objective to review and reflect on this brief story.  We can learn from both the needy leper and the compassionate Healer.  Then, I would like to make a spiritual application toward the sinner and the Savior.

  • The Effectiveness of God’s Word

    I submit unto you, despite the many resources available to man in his evangelism and discipleship training, there is one main indispensable element - the Word of God.  While God may use men to reach men, the key ingredient is His Word.

  • A Grand Promise

    Life around us holds a great deal of suffering and heartache.  I submit, rather than listen to the empty words of the politician or the vain words of the false teachers, we should cling to the promises recorded in God's Word.

  • Follow Jesus

    It is my objective to remind you of our position before Him and to provoke you to make a personal assessment of how well you are following.