Category: Sermon

  • Life Is Uncertain

    These verses remind me of how difficult life really is.  They also give instruction on its brevity and an encouragement wherein we might find hope.  May we be mindful of the words of David as found in this section of God's Word.

  • Commitment

    Our passage tells us of the Apostle Paul who saw the need for a commitment, therefore, he made that commitment.  It is my objective to start in this text and then pursue the topic of commitment.  Perhaps, it is time for you to make a commitment or two.  Perhaps, you should reconsider your thoughts of abandoning your commitment.

  • Living Life on the Edge

    Some people like to live "life on the edge."  They push the envelope and stretch the rules.  For them life on the edge is fun.  Others get a thrill of going to the edge but are more cautious.  They know the dangers, yet, they go to the edge.  I submit that living "life on the edge" is dangerous.  Many fall over.  Friend, take warning.  Samson will be our example.

  • Have You Seen God’s Salvation?

    As you might have a concern about the social ills within our nation, you are better served if you take concern for your personal evil.  You are a sinner.  You need a Savior.  You need someone to deliver you from your bondage.  I point you to the Deliverer.

  • The Most Important Thing in the World

    Our worldview affects our values, and our values affect what we deem to be important.  So, what is important to us?  What do we determine is our ultimate priority?  It is my objective to look into our text to find out, according to God, what is the most important thing in the world.

  • A Clean Slate

    It is my objective to look into our text and observe the opportunity to begin again.  That is, we all transgress against God, and it is necessary to "make things right."  We need His forgiveness.  So, we must turn to Him and seek His pardon.

  • In His Own Body

    My objective is to look into our text and be reminded, not only of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, but also of the fact it was up-front and personal.

  • Honor God

    It is my objective to speak to you about honoring God.  Dr. Gray Allison used to say, "Remember who you are and whose you are."  If you would do that, you would be found to honor God.

  • Prepare To Meet Your God

    There are times when average will not do.  Instead, all effort and diligence must be applied.  Sufficient preparation must be made.  Never is this more true than when you stand before your Maker!  It is my objective to look into our text and remind you to prepare to meet your God.

  • Have You Forgotten?

    If you are like me, after doing something for a length of time, it becomes automatic.  In a sense, we become hardened to it.  We can do so much without thinking!  I fear this is also true regarding salvation.  I mean, do you remember what it was like to be lost?  I ask you this question, "Have You Forgotten?"