Category: Sermon

  • A Call to the Nation

    A lesson from the kings of Israel and Judah: despite the continual rejection of God by His people, God still sent prophets to preach the truth and to warn of coming judgment.  It is my objective to look into our text (and other passages), glean valuable practical points, and then make a clear application.

  • A Fishing Experience

    Our passage tells of a fishing adventure.  It is my objective to give an exposition of this text.  As I do, I trust we shall learn some practical lessons.  We shall also notice the kind spirit of Jesus toward His disciples. 

  • Relationships

    The Christian life is to be consistent with the profession of faith.  The truths of religion should influence every aspect of our lives, including the secular.  I would like to mention five areas of life wherein the gospel should have an effect.

  • God

    The first two Commandments tell us not to worship any god but the true God.  We must worship the God of the Bible - Jehovah God, the Heavenly Father.  To worship a different god is sin.  Do you worship God or a god of your own making?  What does the Bible say about God?

  • When Life Throws A Curve Ball

    If you are like most people, you desire things to remain on an even keel.  That might make life boring, but we like knowing what to expect.  We don't like surprises.  But they come.  When they do, someone might say, "Life just threw me a curve ball."  We may not like it.  We did not want it.  We were looking fastball, but that isn't what came across the plate.