
Recent Posts

  • A Grand Promise

    Life around us holds a great deal of suffering and heartache.  I submit, rather than listen to the empty words of the politician or the vain words of the false teachers, we should cling to the promises recorded in God's Word.

  • Follow Jesus

    It is my objective to remind you of our position before Him and to provoke you to make a personal assessment of how well you are following.

  • Pluralism, Legalism, and Easy-Believism

    God laid on my heart the matter of genuine salvation.  Our text has two elements: repentance and faith.  Both elements are absolutely necessary for entrance into Heaven.  I wish to discuss three prevailing views; each one mishandles the truth of our text.

  • Position vs. Leadership

    With Father's Day upon us, I was impressed of God to address the men.  It is my objective to discuss the topic of leadership, primarily focusing on the man in the home; nonetheless, the lessons should touch us all.  May I encourage you (male or female) to be a leader in the position which you hold.

  • Be Not Weary

    First Corinthians 4:2 reminds us we should be faithful, but life is not always easy.  Things often don't turn out as we had planned.  We can become discouraged.  Sometimes, we might even feel like quitting.  My friend, let our text give encouragement; may we faint not.

  • God’s Unseen Hand

    Often in our lives we face circumstances which appear to us to be impossible.  We can become overwhelmed.  It is possible to drop into the depths of despair.  My objective is to remind you that God is not only able to bless, He is most often willing to bless.

  • The Priority of God’s Word

    How do I respond to the Bible?  What do I teach my children concerning this book?  Our text indicates the importance of the Word of God.  As we consider the priority of God's Word in our lives, we should do so in the personal sense and in the parental sense.

  • Judgment Day

    Much is being said about God's coming judgment.  Harold Camping predicted that yesterday was the day!  I wish to expose a few of his errors on his failed prophecy; I will make a few observations; I also mention what the Bible says about the end of the world.

  • Water Baptism

    I would like to use our time as a way of remembrance.  I desire to cover the topic of water baptism.  It is not my intent to be exhaustive on the subject, rather, to mention a few major points while also making a practical application.

  • Build Up One Another

    Our text speaks of edifying one another.  But some people spend much of their time tearing down others.  May that not be said of us.  Let us each understand that it is in our best interest to build up one another.