Author: Doug Meadows

  • Signs of the Times

    We hear a great deal about how these times we live in are the last days. I personally believe that is true. The text before us speaks of some signs of the last times, the perilous times.

  • No Need to Fear

    John 14:27 and John 16:33 extend to us comfort and hope. We need hope because our world is full of tribulation and sorrow. All these things can bring us distress. Fear can grip our hearts. Remember these verses and recognize there is no need for fear.

  • Discouragement

    Throughout my life I have seen a common event among men. That of which I speak is discouragement. Our text is another example of discouragement. I believe we can learn from Elijah's experience.

  • It is a Mistake to Neglect the Bible

    Many of us tend to ignore the instructions or operating manual. Sad thing is that many people do that to the Bible too. As a result, the Bible is neglected. Whether you are a Christian or not, it is a mistake to neglect the Bible.

  • Finding God’s Will

    Everyday we are exposed to decisions. What is the Christian to do about the decisions which face them? How are we to handle those minor, those major, yes, even those life-altering decisions?

  • Do Not Stop Short

    Sometimes we start things but fail to finish well. How sad it would be to pursue an objective, only to come short of the achievement. So it is, what a shame if you should desire Heaven and seek after God, pursue eternal rest, only to fall short. I don't want any of you to fall short of Heaven.