Invest in the Spiritual
When we leave this world we will not take anything with us. Yet, we read in our text that we can lay up treasure in heaven. We cannot take it with us, but we can send it on ahead.
When we leave this world we will not take anything with us. Yet, we read in our text that we can lay up treasure in heaven. We cannot take it with us, but we can send it on ahead.
Objects of Christian service might be thought of as sacrifices for the Lord. In a sense we bring offerings to God. One area of service is giving praise to God. Should we do so? Is there a reason to do so? I think there is.
A sinner will never seek Christ if he cannot accept the fact he is a sinner and under condemnation. At the same time, I want to offer hope. Here, I find a message of hope coupled with a gentle reminder as to why we need God's love and grace.
I believe this verse speaks of the importance of the Word of God. Let us see whether or not your response to the Word of God makes any difference.
It is my intention to look into our text and consider a spiritual surgery. This spiritual claim may be applied to the salvation of a sinner. He who has a heart of stone can be given a brand new heart.