Revive Us Again
In my opinion, what we have in our text, is a prescription for revival. Psalm 86:5 says, "Wilt thou not revive us again?" I thought that it would do us well to think about revival.
In my opinion, what we have in our text, is a prescription for revival. Psalm 86:5 says, "Wilt thou not revive us again?" I thought that it would do us well to think about revival.
The fact is, sometimes close is admirable, and close is better than far away, but close isn't close enough. To be close is to fail. It is my objective to discuss this issue of being close, and I will address three areas today.
It is my objective to give a very simple plea today. I would like to take a common thought found within the four Gospels and give a straightforward, clear-cut, appeal to the sinner.
The Commercial Appeal published an article "Not All Christians Believe Being Gay is a Sin." I did not feel as if I could let this article slide without a rebuttal. So, I shall attempt to proclaim what the Bible has to say about the matter.