The Call
Our passage refers to Jesus extending a call. It is my objective to look into our passage in order to gain a sense of the text. After which, I will focus on the call of Jesus.
Our passage refers to Jesus extending a call. It is my objective to look into our passage in order to gain a sense of the text. After which, I will focus on the call of Jesus.
Sometimes it seems that our suffering will never end. It is my desire to extend hope to the hopeless. Our text is an expression of the hope which every believer possesses!
Man left alone will not seek after God, but, the sinner is not without hope. My objective is to look into our text and think about God's response to the first man and his wife; then, learn that what God did for them, He still does for you today.
I think it necessary that we have the proper perspective of others and of ourselves. As Christians, we need to know who we are and what we are capable of - both positive and negative. It is, then, my objective to consider our frailties and offer some advice.
"In the world ye shall have tribulation." It is my objective to expound our text noting the implications and making application. By this, I trust we shall ALL be encouraged to "hold the fort."