The Right View of Baptism
I believe our passage teaches the proper candidate for baptism, the proper mode of baptism, and the proper purpose of baptism. Indeed, we will discover the essential element of salvation.
I believe our passage teaches the proper candidate for baptism, the proper mode of baptism, and the proper purpose of baptism. Indeed, we will discover the essential element of salvation.
A man should earn respect and merit honor. He can do so by being moral, by possessing integrity, and by being godly. It is my objective, once again, to teach on this subject so that we all might be honorable.
Each of us is either presently facing a dilemma of our own, or we have faced a dilemma in the past. The question arises, "How can we have peace in the midst of the storm?" My objective is for us to see how the psalmist reacts to whatever is burdening his heart, and why.
Our text deals with some of the details while Jesus was on the cross. Much of this is familiar ground. Therefore, I do not wish to focus on the events which unfold, rather, I would like to emphasize a common thread found in the text.