Category: Evangelism

  • May I introduce you

    In the Gospel of John in the Bible, we find where Jesus sought out people. We also find that some of those people sought others. Andrew found his own brother (1:41) and Philip found Nathanael (1:45). The woman at the well went into the city and told many folk, "Come see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? (4:29)" She was speaking of Jesus...

  • Should you be a Christian?

    In seminary I heard testimony of how a student challenged a person of another faith by stating, “Convince me to become a ------ .” Those words stuck in my mind. What would be my answer if you said to me, “Convince me as to why I should be a Christian.” In simple appeal, this is my reply...


  • Neighbor

    In the parable found in Luke 10:29‑37 we are instructed concerning our neighbor. The lawyer had asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" In reply Jesus gave the story of the traveler who was robbed, beaten, and left for dead...

  • I am a

    In speaking with people about the things of God I am often told, "I am a..." and then a denomination or religion is inserted.   I am not opposed to such a response. In fact, I would likely respond in the same fashion. What does concern me is that many people believe that claiming an affiliation with a particular religious order relieves them of spiritual responsibility...