Month: July 2018

  • Call to Repentance

    There is an evangelistic approach of watering down the Gospel truth and plea by utilizing a method called easy-believism. The seeking soul is told to simply believe on Jesus. It is the "seeker friendly" approach. "Only believe!" is the message. True biblical evangelism is more than a call to believe. It is also a call to repentance.

  • Ritual, Reform, or Regeneration?

    We must admit that the human creature is religious oriented. Man is drawn to worship something. But among the religions of the world, we know Christianity is the only truth. Yet, not all of the time as the Gospel is presented, is the response conforming to biblical standards.

  • One Thing

    All Christians should have an objective or goal for his/her life. That objective should be to pursue the Lord. David, in our text, expresses a desire to follow God; notice how the "house of the Lord" is referenced.

  • For Whom the Bell Tolls

    John Donne wrote, "Each man's death diminishes me, For I am involved in mankind. Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee." We are affected my other men's misery. But we also should not be surprised at the ambulance siren, for it shall sound, and one day it might well sound for us.