We shall look into our text and learn of a man who almost became a Christian. My objective is to bear witness to the truth that almost is not enough.
We shall look into our text and learn of a man who almost became a Christian. My objective is to bear witness to the truth that almost is not enough.
What would other Christians say about our profession of faith? Would they view us as true believers? I would like for us to consider the Thessalonicans and notice the comments regarding their profession of faith in Christ.
Certain days are important to us, perhaps a wedding date, upcoming vacation, or retirement. There are days we look forward to and have trouble waiting for their arrival. We anticipate those special times. It is my objective to remind you of a coming day, one you should desire to see.
I submit unto you that salvation is by grace through faith apart from works; that Jesus alone is the Savior. I believe that the text I have chosen will demonstrate this truth.