It is my objective to consider the example before us. I desire to demonstrate that personal reformation is not sufficient for salvation, rather, we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, apart from our own works.
It is my objective to consider the example before us. I desire to demonstrate that personal reformation is not sufficient for salvation, rather, we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, apart from our own works.
It is my desire to direct your attention to a very powerful and strong individual. He is indeed a giant in nearly every sense of the word, but He is also gentle in every aspect of that word.
It is my objective to look into a common text and discern a lesson normally overlooked. I desire to hone in on the parenthetical thought and bring to light the lessons contained therein.
It is my objective to discuss my change of heart and soul. I shall do so by considering our text, in addition, I shall reference a number of other scriptures. Search your own heart and assess whether or not you have been changed.