You Will Not Come
Our text tells us of those who have an interest in spiritual matters, but have not repented and believed. They choose not to come. Lost sinner, why won't you turn to Jesus? In the final analysis, the truth is, you will not come.
Our text tells us of those who have an interest in spiritual matters, but have not repented and believed. They choose not to come. Lost sinner, why won't you turn to Jesus? In the final analysis, the truth is, you will not come.
Too often we hear God's Word and turn away and soon forget what was said. I submit, this is because we think we know it all. We think we are right no matter what anyone else says, yes, even God. These verses show the problems with humans knowing how.
It is my objective to admonish you to take an active part in preserving God's truths and passing them on to your future generations. Make it your goal to preserve a legacy for Christ. May we concern ourselves with every parent's duty.
It is my objective to teach the doctrine of church discipline. It is my desire that you learn about Christian responsibility and seek to strive for purity. For the unbeliever, take warning, for if these things be done in the house of God, how shall the sinner escape?