Month: March 2011

  • A Witness for Jesus

    Every Christian should be ready to testify of the salvation they possess.  Yet, perhaps, you are not ready, willing, or able to do so.  It is my objective to simply and plainly state how we might share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Operation Rescue

    Our text tells us the reason for Jesus coming to Earth.  His was a mission of mercy.  It was, if I may say, a search and rescue.  May His objective be our objective too.

  • The Importance of Eternity

    There is a saying, "Only one life twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ shall last."  Are you concerned about what will last for you?  My objective is to stress to you the importance of eternity.

  • The Will of God

    My objective is that we would realize the supreme importance of knowing God's will.  Then, after we have a knowledge of His will, we would strive to do that will in the way He would have us to accomplish it.