
Recent Posts

  • Be Thankful

    This is the holiday season of Thanksgiving. The name itself reminds us of a character quality we all should possess. I would like to remind you to be thankful.

  • My Redeemer Liveth

    We know that Job had a very difficult time in his life. Though he wasn't perfect in his response he confesses his faith in God. This is what we will look at today.

  • Come to Paradise

    Our text mentions the word paradise. What is it? What did Jesus mean? Did the thief go there? Can you and I go there? If so, why would you turn it down?

  • Are You Short on Faith?

    I have found that no matter how much I would like to believe a thing, I have the tendency to wonder about it. If you also have a problem with your faith, then perhaps this message will bless you.

  • Snake Oil or What?

    In the old West snake oil would cure about anything. Really, it was just a sham to take your money. When it comes to the Gospel there are those who think that it isn't true, that it is snake oil.

  • Sinner, There Is Hope

    Some sinners believe they have been too bad to be saved. They think they have gone too far and done too much. But I submit that there is not one sinner that is beyond the grasp of the Savior.