Month: August 2015

  • Lord, Remember Me

    Sometimes we wonder how something good can come out of something bad.  But as we look at our text, consider how this sinner came to the end of himself.  As it turns out, it became the means of his deliverance.

  • Desire the Bible

    My objective is to declare a benefit of the Word of God in the life of a believer.  May we be reminded of the positive effect of God's Word upon our souls.  May we love His Word.  May we learn His Word. May we live His Word.

  • Rough Seas Ahead

    We all are experienced in the storms of life.  As we say, "In every life some rain must fall."  Sometimes it becomes a torrent!  It is my objective to learn from this historical account so that we might have peace in our hearts as we face the rough seas ahead.

  • Making Decisions

    Whether we like it or not, life is a series of choices.  You cannot avoid decisions.  It is my objective to review the context of our passage and then reflect upon the content of our passage.  By God's grace, we will learn something that will help us in our day-to-day existence and in the choices we will make.